Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Gypsies Tramps & Thieves
this started as a stream of consciousness on mating: does anyone else wonder why the process of getting to know and fuck someone can be so fraught with anxiety and ugh-ness? i think one could make a cosmological argument that the split of universal consciousness that precedes our occupying these mortal bodies leads to a feeling of physical isolation that becomes psychological. i'm interested in these approaches for sure, but lately i've been looking at how it is in the trenches, noticing the trends in the material world as we collectively and individually perceive it.
i'm an observer, and although i malign the tv as a conduit for evil, i believe it is, i do consume whatever shows i can tolerate, primarily because i like to know what the general population is consuming. i do recognize the pleasurably addictive powers of these shows, and i've said that i enjoy one reality show or another, and the truth is that i do enjoy them, not always but often, and i think that's another thing for me to question and examine. in sum, what the fuck is going on on the tv, i dont know, but i personally pay some critical attention to it, as i think some major underlying causes for relationship dysfunction are right there on the tube,.. the glass teat (a term i lifted from stephen king)
ads and tv and katy perry etc all glorify alcohol abuse, sexism and selfishness, then add to that the currently projected uncoolness of caring about anything outside of the self. i suggest that this cocktail is what leads to generations of dysfunctional relationships that misfire absurdly from beginning to end. so much of work in relationships stems from the need to mitigate insecurities, our own and those of our partners. when i really break down a lot of the interactions that i see and have engaged in myself, jealousy of time or attention is at the root of a lot of sexual and relationship dysfunction. for my own view, i think of jealousy as an umbrella term that indicates feelings to be further evaluated and named. in other words, i might be jealous because i am angry at you for paying your attention elsewhere when i feel needy, or i might be jealous because i am fearful that you will leave, or i might be jealous because i am mad at myself for treating you like shit so i am defending myself by turning it around mistrusting you, on and on. so when you really break it down, you might notice that base or negative emotions like fear, anger, envy etc are the basis for so many conventional relationship models. so then we have to fabricate the rules of mating, having game or playing hard to get or being a pickup artist or whatever, to get around these psychological land mines. really we could just let all this shit go and be calm and honest and courageous and COMMUNICATE, i believe we'd be better off.
by the time i expend the energy it takes to play the game as its dictated by present culture, i've convinced myself that the object of pursuit is not worth the effort. this is my own personal experience and i cannot speak for anyone else, bear in mind that i am the single biggest personality freak stalking the planet. some people are happily dating and don't feel like mini-pariahs every time they think about sex and love. some people are totally sick of their partners and have bad sex or abusive conversations but being in a long-term monogamous relationship is the goal we're force-fed since the little mermaid so they feel they can't leave. i'm just attempting to highlight that depression and anxiety and dissatisfaction are not emotions we naturally feel around love, rather they are emotions we are made to feel through the various mass media.
i want to point out here that my opinions are informed by an analysis of the slice of pop culture i have grown up with, and i feel i might evolve in my thinking if i could also evaluate and discuss the messaging that was happening in pre-internet america. i've seen some racist ads from the 50s-70s, for instance, but i'm not sure what kinds of relationship messages people were receiving. i'm just putting forth my experience because i believe testimonial is inherently political, without the attempt to postulate that i have landed upon the one true way to interpret the culture. or whatever the fuck, i digress
anyway all i'm saying really is that lots of people are lonely and unhappy in these constructs, and we somehow gloss over this as a culture and continue to promote the same shitty paradigms as glorious and ideal. for what it's worth, i think the awkwardness and falsity and hollowness that pervade modern coupling are a product of larger forces, because i don't think it's a coincidence that such similar messaging is conveyed through so many supposedly disparate elements of the mass media. i think it's especially not a coincidence because most outlets of modern media are owned by one or two companies ultimately. but i digress again
this woman is a member of the pamunkey indian tribe. my great-grandmother grew up on a pamunkey reservation; she was very regal even in advanced years, as is this woman.
shout out to fellow blogger sara david at for remarking often that desire does not occur in a vacuum. if our spending habits, our eating habits, where we think it's acceptable to live, with whom we believe it's appropriate to be friends, if all these basic judgments we make are informed by the media and advertising and other cultural outlets that we consume, then what makes us so convinced that our fucked up relationships are not also a product of the massive corporate construct? (sorry about that lame and vague terminology, still haven't figured out a catchy way to refer to that oligarchy of baddies who are controlling our lives, suggestions welcome)
in a society where cutting down your fellow human is a mark of success, and where sex negativity and stripping the people of our innate power are the norm, it only makes sense that we should be so lonely and so unable to sustain healthy relationships. again, i'm speaking in generalities, but the climbing divorce rate, for example, is objectively observable data that indicates some kind of negative social trend, right? i mean who knows, i could be thinking on too large a scale, and maybe the problem is just marriage as it is defined today. the confluence of the legal contract and the religious implications does confuse a lot of people i think. like, if i decide to get married so that i can have death bed rights, was i supposed to have been abstinent? i think the legal thing is separate from the religious thing in a lot of ways, but somehow it all gets lumped together. i hear a lot about the defense of marriage and traditional families, but at this point those terms are so theoretical and abstract as to be meaningless, like democracy and patriotism.
ask me why i don't think this is pretty
i know i have absorbed this messaging, until i started thinking critically about the way i view relationships, i thought my highest aim as a human was to seek out The One person who would be an unconditional vessel for all my insecurities and repressed emotions. truly forming a human connection is about love, and ostensibly this is what's promoted, but really listen to the pop songs and evaluate the romantic comedies. i'm going to stalk you until you realise that you belong to me, i cannot live without you, i realised that she's the one and i'm going to get her, the models for forming relationships that i can remember are all totally perverse and based on possessiveness, on jealousy, fear, all the baser emotions. i think the only reason people do not often make that connection between our sex-negative narcissistic solipsistic culture and the messages we receive through entertainment and advertising is that the truth is hiding in plain sight. as someone who has more than once scoured the room for an object that was sitting right at 12 o'clock, sometimes it's hardest to perceive what's directly in front of your face.
i don't know who or what is responsible for the rampant negativity, for the encouragement of all the base and reptilian and destructive emotions, but i do know that we can be responsible for ourselves. working against your own indoctrination is SO HARD, especially without a support network or language for talking openly about what we all know deep down that we are seeing, so i understand why most u.s. citizens prefer the comforts of delusion to the difficult work of gaining self awareness. have you ever noticed how academic scientists would rather discard or discredit information they cannot process, would rather ignore data than revise their systems? this too is a construct; we can practice using our intuition and common sense to evaluate what we see and hear. no system is immutable, no matter how old.
most of what we see and hear has been carefully cultivated for mass consumption, we can debate the whys of this, but i think if i were to take a poll i could reach some consensus on this point. at this point i can't imagine meeting even a dedicated jersey shore fan who did not acknowledge at least some degree of scripting or creative editing in the show. so if we know this, why can we not just take a step back and wonder? i think even a very basic level of questioning would be beneficial. watching a reality show i'll often think hm i wonder why she decided to respond with meanness to that situation because it really worked against her in the end, and i don't know exactly how to make that thought more productive, but i think even having it is a step. and i know that people watching the tv must have these thoughts buried in their intuitive selves, but watching the tube puts us in a trance-like state where we're inclined to just accept rather than to engage actively with what we are seeing. we do not have to accept that negativity is the default state for human interaction! it's not cool to be an asshole, being mean doesn't accomplish anything, taunting is not cool, violence is not cool, rape is not cool yet all these things are glorified in movies whether boldly or implicitly. think about the movies you've watched with rape scenes, and try to imagine a way that someone in the audience could be getting off from it. i can usually imagine that, rape scenes often involve a lot of breast heaving and clothes being ripped off one piece at a time, and i have to ask myself why? why does hollywood see fit to evoke our sexual desires when depicting rape, see fit to do so in so subliminal a fashion and so often? if you start to filter what you're seeing basically as opposite, you might notice trends like this. why IS it that so much pop music centers around the abuse of alcohol, when we can point to countless destructive effects of the drug?
even small thoughts, small disruptions, small observations can reveal a beam of truth and i think we have a responsibility to question
Monday, October 29, 2012
Charisma Uniqueness Nerve & Talent
this unedited gchat heralds my return to blogging, hotly awaited by a dedicated fan base of one yours truly:
i walked a different route to my bus from work and at a different time
and saw a busker id never seen before
theres lots of buskers/homeles s here, mostly of modest talents
this guy though
i usually dont donate and to this one i did
he had a cello, but plugged into a pedal that i guess was routed through something, i couldnt quite see
anyway he was just rocking the fuck out
i was wondering if he was playing it up for the crowd, but i realised his eyes were closed and he was just so lost in the music
it was so awesome
totally inspiring
because who rocks out on the cello? but i was totally there with no questions
like sign me up
Sent at 5:25 PM on Monday
me: afterward some young kind of rowdy guys clapped and yelled great job
they meant well obviously, but somehow that seemed inappropriate
i thanked him
it was that powerful, even the regular passersby seemed impressed
Sent at 5:28 PM on Monday
me: i think it was so great because he had serious technical chops that equalled his passion
usually i see one or the other i think
Sent at 5:30 PM on Monday
me: it was so inspiring to me in particular bc as im always lamenting, i lack technical ability because i disable myself mentally every time i think im about to play
lately part of that has been hand wringing about the how and where i might apply said ability
but fuck this guy was just out on the street corner, and he was making bank, and people were loving it
with minimal equipment and no marketing and not even a band
his performance was blissful and gave me a kick in the ass at the same time
i guess thats why i thanked him
Sent at 5:33 PM on Monday
C: awesome
me: oh hey
yeah it was fantastic
i havent seen a busker on that level since i was small
and i usually pay attention to them, i feel like ive evaluated lots of buskers at this point and been impressed by maybe 3 including this guy
Sent at 5:35 PM on Monday
C: sweet. yeah a good busker can speak a lot
i think essentially we're here to speak, and ultimately to speak by not speaking
my editor's note is that the line breaks in the chat are a product of chance
my editor's note is that the line breaks in the chat are a product of chance
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